Thursday, May 31, 2012


Finally I have finished Semester One of my second year as a university student! Can I get a WOO HOO?
It has been a very hard slog this semester, increasing my workload to 3 subjects, effectively making me a full time student. Three Assignments due in the last fortnight has left me frazzled and mentally exhausted, but I managed to cross the finish line on Thursday morning. Phew!

The first assignment of the three was a numeracy assignment, maths and anything maths related has always been a struggle for me, anything that I can't use a calculator for I will avoid at all costs. The assignment was a Power Point presentation (a program that I had no experience with prior to this semester) I had to convince a fictional room of Art teachers the importance of numeracy and mathematics in an art classroom. I managed to submit this assignment with a week to spare so let's hope that I get alright marks for this one. The second assignment was portfolio of my increased knowledge of teaching and reflection on why I want to be a teacher and why I would be suited to the profession. Is good money and good holidays a good enough reason? :) My final assignment revolved around childhood and education theorists and I had to explain how the theories are relevant to classroom practices today, linking the theories to the curriculum. I though this assignment would be the easiest. I was wrong! I struggled BIG time and in the end I ensured I had met the word count, threw in some references and now I am just praying that I pass. I was so over it that to be honest, I didn't care if I passed or failed I just wanted to submitted and out of my life mind!

So now I have two glorious weeks of spending quality time with the boys, catching up on washing and housework, cooking and general 'normal' day to day tasks and I am a tad excited! The stress since February has increased at a steady pace as I've tried to stay on top of everything, little sleep, work every night and squabbling kids has left me irritable and moody to say the least! Proof to my short fuse and irrational flare ups is a burst blood vessel I discovered in my eye this morning, commonly caused from constant coughing or in my case constant yelling and screaming at my poor children. :( I have big plans for my two weeks off, most important aim, to spend lots of quality time with the boys, parks, cooking, playing, visiting & possible Zoo Doo, YMCA fit and fun and anything else my limited budget will allow.

After my two week hiatus I will be starting Prac for uni in a birth to two year room at a childcare centre. Surely I have the experience with juggling twins to ace it right? Let's hope so! I will be on prac for 4 weeks, working 8 hour days 5 days a week and then heading to my 'paid' job of a night. I can feel the exhaustion coming on already. Poop. I am hoping that the centre that I am based in will allow me to work until 4pm at the latest so that I am able to make it to work, without an income I will up SHIT creek. Oh well these are the sacrifices I must make to ensure that I finish my degree, get a job that I love, that pays well and allows me to be on holidays with the children that cause me such stress and frustration! Hang on, is that what I really want, shouldn't I be trying to get a job that takes me away from my kids? LOL Joking (or am I?) :)

Once my 4 weeks prac is over Semester two starts then I just have to make it through to October and I have completed my second year of studies. This means I will have 4 more years to go! Now that is exciting, what will I do when I have no studying to dominate my life. Read a book, that isn't a text book? Join a gym? Take up knitting? No probably just be busy trying to plan lessons and write reports and wonder if I have made the right career choice. Ha ha

Until next time, remember I am back for a limited time only (2 weeks to be exact) tickets are selling fast!