Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 1 - DRAMA

Day one of Semester One and I am wondering what I have got myself in for!

To enable me to tackle study head on this year, we decided to transform our spare room into a functioning study. This involved having our electrician friend install a new powerpoint and phone line to set up our new desk and desktop computer. That is all well and good the desk is set up beautifully but amongst all our junk and excess of kids toys, which is hardly good feng shui or a perfect study environment.

Our old computer which I am using is going better than I expected. Our laptop is at 'the doctor' and what we thought was a simple virus has now turned into a unknown virus that our computer doctor has never encountered before. This may result in a new hard drive needing to be installed and me losing all my photos :( and music! Great!

So day one started today. Made my coffee and logged in. Within the first 20 minutes I thought I have this sooooooo under control! Wrong! Lectures will not load (I think due to my computer needing quicktime and adobe upgrades). I have listed all my assessment due dates and week one tasks and seem to have some grasp on what is expected. The kids have other plans for my time this morning. After a stinking hot night which resulted in little sleep on my part my darling boys thought 5am was a great time to rise. Great! Also due to my study area being set up in their old bedroom which still holds most of their toys (farm sets, lego, mr potato head and trains and tracks) that require supervision due to small parts and if they were left in a communal area my house would look like a bomb had gone off. So the boys have rediscovered all these toys and have been grabbing one thing out after another. The heat has meant I can't simply shut the door and get through week one in peace. So after getting everything out this morning I told them to clean up their mess and it would seem this morning their ears were painted on! Getting frustrated I said "Clean up all your farm animals and dinosaurs (Kmart cheap sets, which from memory cost me $10 each) now or I throw them in the bin". My charming 3 year old boys reply "Throw them in the bin". For once in my life I followed through. They are now in the recycling bin. Constant fighting and bickering and 2 stints in the corner for Master J before 10.30am has left me drained and I haven't done anything on the Uni front apart from write out what I have to do in week one and what date my assignments are due!

And to add insult to injury I have a headcold that has left me sniffling with blocked ears and a head that is about to explode! Oh yeah and work tonight for 5 hours in a call centre! Oh Joy! Kids are in care all day tomorrow and after tonight no work until Friday night. I have big ambitions this week and I intend to get there to ensure that I am not behind from the get-go!

2 coffees down and a can of V. Time to get serious!